Cometendo o erro de existir

Me perdi ao contabilizar as tentativas de me adequar aos seres. Minha bagagem foi um peso. Peso de ser eu mesma. Solicitei ao outro compreensão e não-julgamento. Que figura mais justa sou eu…


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A free verse about a beautiful type of love

Kisses travel down my spine

Lost in your soft touch

Ready to give you so much

Hands travel to grasp mine

As we gave in to a rhythm

that was as old as time

The feeling you caused were the same as the first rays of sunlight

at the break of dawn

to the fireworks that boomed the night sky

Your laugh always seem to put me at ease

Energy at an all-time high

You became my peace

A breath of fresh air with no hint of spite

Always making me smile

as you shower me with love languages

doing away with damage caused by exes

This is the type of love I prayed for

This love is a blessing.

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